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How it all started...


Hello, I am working mother of two with a love for family, friends, and food. I live in the Nation’s Capital, where cupcakes, frozen yogurt, pies, and other sweets have started to run amuck and taken over this city with great force (insert evil laugh here). For days, I have had a craving for a candy apple but would have to drive over 10 miles outside of D.C. or wait until Halloween to buy a standard red candy apple. On Mother’s Day 2014, I decided to gift the women in my family something other than a teddy bear, flowers, or I handmade chocolate and caramel covered candy apples. EUREKA! An idea was born. I have been in my lab (or maybe it was a treehouse) for months trying to figure out a way to separate myself from the puny humans in this city by creating the perfect plan to take over the world...MWAHAHAHAHA. Wanting these gourmet candy apples to be superior to other sweets, I had to think outside the box, create different flavors, use quality ingredients, and use my family, friends, and co-workers as guinea pigs. (LOL). Know that these delectable treats are made with love, patience, and care to show my customers that each apple was especially prepared for them. 


L'Oréal J.



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